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Global Simulation through a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies

This research examines the mediating role of new pedagogies in the teaching and learning of French as a second language. The course under study integrates a pedagogy of multiliteracies, a Global Simulation story framework, and online socio-collaborative technologies. Analysis focuses on how the adoption of characters mediates students' awareness and appropriation of distinct LC2 social languages and development of cross-cultural perspective-taking, as well as how learners’ beliefs and identities combine with specific instructional activities to mediate learning.


Associated publications and manuscripts in progress:


Teaching culture as a relational process through a multiliteracies-based Global Simulation


Becoming social actors: Designing a Global Simulation curriculum for situated language and culture learning

(co-authored with Elyse Petit)


Multi-storied Lives: Global Simulation as an Approach to Developing Multiliteracies in an Intermediate French Course

(co-authored with Beatrice Dupuy)


Fostering multiliteracies through a global simulation approach in intermediate French: A curricular project

(co-authored with Beatrice Dupuy and Elyse Petit)


Digital Social Reading

This research examines the role of digital social reading in the co-construction of knowledge among novice foreign language teachers and in their appropriation of new pedagogies.


Associated publications and manuscripts in progress:


Teacher learning under co-construction: Affordances of digital social annotated reading (co-authored with Beatrice Dupuy)

Ideological Discourses in Digital Texts

These studies apply Günter Kress' (2010) multimodal social semiotic theory of communication to the analysis of study abroad promotional websites in order to uncover underlying messages about Study Abroad both as institutional practice and as individual experience.


Associated publications:


Study Abroad: tourism or education? A multimodal social semiotic analysis of institutional discourses of a promotional website

(co-authored with José A. Álvarez Valencia)


From the field:


Blog: Shooting ourselves in the foot: Managing expectations for study abroad (Stacy West)

Blog: Are we promoting Study Abroad as a touristic practice? (Sonja Lind)


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